Calibre is a apple-pie and beginning layouts based on Bootstrap 3.3.7 Framework with different architecture that acceptable in all web applications. Created with high-quality accepted UI elements that would save your development time. Calibre is congenital with Sass and Compass which is modular CSS based and simple to adapt in anniversary components. Unlimited theme colors and aftereffect colors that could be generated via Sass.
Once you’ve purchased this account all updates are free. If you adulation our plan don’t overlook to amount us FIVE STARS. Good appraisement provides added and bigger updates. Thank you.
Feel chargeless to allotment your account and suggestions to be implemented in this theme in the feature.
- Dashboard
- Dashboard 1
- UI Layouts
- Blank Page
- Boxed Offcanvas
- Boxed Expanded
- Sidebar Offcanvas
- Widgets
- Profile Boxes
- Weather Boxes
- Blog Boxes
- Counter Boxes
- Lists Boxes
- Chart Boxes
- UI Elements
- Tabs
- Labels and Badges
- Background Color
- Draggable Portlet
- Accordions
- Progress Bar
- Class Helpers
- Thumbnails
- Foreground Color
- Dropdowns
- Pagination
- Buttons
- Panels
- Grids
- List Group
- Alerts
- Tooltips and Popover
- Media
- Typhograhpy
- Modals
- UI Helpers
- Counter
- Owl Carousel
- Animate CSS
- Sweet Alert
- Hover Images
- Magnific Popup
- Nestable
- Tooltipster
- Wow Animations
- Icons
- Bootstrap Tour
- Filter
- Hover CSS
- iCheck
- Word Rotator
- Tables
- Editable Table
- Basic Table
- Dynamic Table
- Responsive Table
- Forms
- Form Wysiwyg Editor
- Form Pickers
- Form Select2
- Form Image Crop
- Form Wizard
- Form X-editable
- File Input
- Calibre Forms
- Form Tags Input
- Form File Upload
- Placeholder Animation
- Bootstrap Forms
- Charts
- Combinations
- Heatmap
- Treemap
- Funnel
- Chord
- Bar
- Venn
- Pie
- Gauges
- Radar
- Scatter
- Forge Directed
- ECharts
- Line
- Event River
- Candlestick
- Tree
- Word Cloud
- Flot Chart
- Morris Chart
- Chartjs
- Peity Charts
- Chartist Charts
- Nvd3 Charts
- Sparkline Charts
- Rickshaw Charts
- Trays
- Left/Right Aftereffect Fixed
- Left Aftereffect Fixed
- Left/Right Aftereffect Static
- Left Aftereffect Static
- Right Aftereffect Static
- Right Aftereffect Fixed
- Lists Push Content
- Push Content
- Mail
- Compose
- Inbox 25
- Maps
- Google Map
- Vector Map
- Pages
- Error 404
- Error 500
- Login
- Lock Screen
- Registration
- Under Maintenance
- Login – Signup
- Forgot Password
- Error 403
- Coming Soon
- Error 400
- Error 503
- Extras
- Media Gallery
- Calendar
- Invoice
- Search Result
- Pricing Table
- Timeline
- Profile
We would like to acknowledgment to the authors who created the plugins beneath that works this theme.
NOTE: Images in DEMO are NOT included in downloadable bales due to licencing rights.
- Unsplash
- Linear Icons – 59 USD
- Isotope – 25 USD
- Sky Forms Pro – 10 USD
- Bootstrap Modal Enhance Animations – 5 USD
Saves – 99 USD
- Animate.css
- Bootstrap 3.3.7
- Bootstrap Color Picker
- Bootstrap File Upload
- Bootstrap Tags Input
- Bootstrap Timepicker
- Bootstrap Tour
- Bootstrap Wizard
- Bs Tooltip
- Chartist
- Chart.js
- CKEditor
- CodeMirror
- Jquery Waypoints
- Cropper
- D3.js
- DataTables
- Device.js
- Dropdown Menus Enhancement
- Dropzone.js
- ECharts 2.0
- FlipClock.js
- Flot Charts
- Font Awesome
- FullCalendar
- Gmaps.js
- Google Code Pretitify
- highlight.js
- Hover.css
- Autosize
- Js Cookie
- iCheck
- jVectorMap
- jQuery Mockjax
- jQuery UI
- jQuery UI Sortable Animation
- Ladda
- LightGallery
- Masonry
- Moment.js
- Morris.js
- nanoScroller.js
- Navgoco
- Nestable
- NVD3
- Owl Carousel 2
- Peity
- PL Upload
- printThis
- Bootstrap ProgressBar
- Raphaël
- Rickshaw
- Rippler
- RWD-Table
- scrollTo
- Select2
- Skycons
- slimscroll
- Slippry
- Sparklines
- Summernote
- Sweet Alert
- Syntax Highlighter
- TinyMCE
- Tooltipster
- Typeahead.js
- WordsRotator
- WOW Animations
- X-editable
- imagesLoaded
- jQuery
- jQuery Mousewheel
- jQuery Number Formatter
- jQuery Migrate
- Js Hashtable
- Nicescroll
v1.0 – 23 May 2017
Initial ReleaseTags: admin template, app, backend, bootstrap, bootstrap admin, bootstrap backend, calibre, calibre admin, dashboard, iconic, iconic admin, iconic sidebar, modern, modern design, responsive, Three Columns, web app