Famiza is a Acknowledging Multipurpose Sectioned Shopify Theme with clean & modern design. Famiza is absolutely acknowledging to looks absolute on all types of screens and devices. It’s absolutely accordant with the Shopify sectioned theme customization. It’s created and developed to simple bureaucracy and use the new section in your store. Famiza is acceptable for any kinds of business food such as Fashion, Clothes, Men Fashion, Women Fashion, Kids Fashion, Accessories, Gadgets & Digital store, Jewelries, Shoes and abounding more…
Famiza is one of the best shopify theme to actualize your store. It is advised with modern and new appearance allowance barter to affectation articles professionally and It comes with a lot of abundant appearance that would yield you months to develop. Advice blocks are accurately and neatly affectation for your barter to calmly acquisition the advice they need.The architecture is actual affected and modern, and aswell actual simple to adapt after affecting a individual band of CODE. It is pixel absolute acclimated with Bootstrap Grid. it looks beauteous on all types of screens and devices. We accept put our harder accomplishment and lots of adulation into architecture this theme and we achievement you will adore application this theme as abundant as we enjoyed while developing it. We affliction about your website as abundant as you do and will amusement you as we would like to be treated. Our abutment consistently accessible for all barter to acknowledgment as anon as possible.
Famiza supports shopify new section feature. The capacity can be added, removed and reordered calmly by the theme customization settings. We accept created and developed 30+ altered sections simple to use and manage.
Flexible Blueprint Options
7 Altered agreeable blueprint options for creating your owen different store. Added demos will appear in approaching updates
300+ Admin Optionsns
We accept bureaucracy abounding admin options to change color, fonts, modules and blueprint optitions by theme customization.
Product Video
Famiza comes with congenital video advantage that acquiesce you add artefact video for anniversary products.
Google Fonts
We accept acclimated web optimized google fonts. Abounding fonts are already avaialble to use from admin.
Newsletter Popup
You can use it to add a newsletter cable anatomy in your website on page load.
Compatible With AllBrowsers and Devices
Our theme activated in all browsers and devices. (mobile, book and desktop)
Product Filters
You can set 6 diferent blazon filters options block to simple seek your specific products.
Collection Tabs with Articles Slider
easy to set accumulating tabs with articles on your home page by premade section.
Clients Testimonials
Famiza comes with congenital testimonials section that acquiesce you appearance affidavit on home page with slider.
Instagram Pictures
Customer can bury instagram section to the arrangement to accomplish their websites added beatiful with their instagram pictures.
Quick 5-Star Support
Reply in 24 hours. Quick answer, cool affable aggregation makes our abutment superior bigger to amuse our clients.
And abounding more….
- Ajax Add to Cart
- Multi-Purpose Abundance
- Google Web Fonts Integration
- 404 Page
- Product Thumbnail Slider built-in
- Touch slider on Accumulating Page
- Powerful Mega Menu
- Wow Animation
- SEO optimized
- Graphic per product
- Powerful Artefact Filtering
- Slick Carousel
- Social Networking Sharing Integrated
- Font Awesome icons integrated
- HTML5 & CSS3 & Sass CSS
- Grid & List Mode
- Quick-view
- Full Width Touch slider on Home Page
- 17+ Home Page Section
- Video Thumbnail per product
- Recently beheld Product
- Product Labels
- Collection page with Top Banner
- Powerful Theme Options
- Instagram Integrated
- 100% absolutely Acknowledging with Twitter Bootstrap 3
- Ajax Cart Popup
- Product Rows and Slider options
- Collection Tabs
- Contact Page with Google Maps
- Multiple Currencies
- Well Documented
- Powerful Admin Control Panel
- Blog Page with Options
- Lookbook Page with Options
- Related Artefact Slider
- Brand Slider
- Unlimited Blush Options
- Sticky Menu
- Newsletter Signup Popup with Mail-chimp Support
- FAQs Page
- Product Review(app)
- Custom Tab in Artefact page
- Blog Slider
- Collection page with options
- Single Artefact on Home Page
Credits: Pixabay, Pixeden
Note: Images and artefact are acclimated and included in this theme are for audience purpose only. The authorization of them is alone for audience purpose. Commercial acceptance is NOT accustomed and is at your own risk.
Tags: clear, clothing, electronics, fashion store, furniture, jewelry, mega menu, minimalist, multi purpose, product filter, product video thumbnail, responsive, shopify attributes filter, shopify currency switcher, shopify theme, Three Columns