Hotela – Hotel and Resort Mobile Template has abounding appearance like book online, allowance list, allowance details, book now, arcade and others. accept a apple-pie attending and nice, a bendable attending unsightly, actual simple to use for all visitor. and of advance abounding others.
This template avant-garde design, apple-pie design, apple-pie cipher and simple to customize, simple to cange blush and abounding more.
- Room List
- Booking Online
- Easy to Customize
- Testimonial
- Creative Design
- Font Awesome
- Many Pages
- Clean Architecture
- Gallery
- Clean Code
- Categories
- and others
- Blog
- Roboto Condensed
- Muli
- Playfair Display
- Materializecss
- Slick
- Font Awesome
- Demo images pexels.comImage just for the audience are not included in capital files
- Lightbox
- OwlCarousel
- jQuery