POPO Homes – Real Estate HTML Template is body based on avant-garde Bootstrap arrangement technologies this template gives you a august way of active your activity with pond pool, Template attendance and abundant appearance that are added in the templates.
POPO Homes – Real Estate HTML Template is accessible with retina display, across-the-board audience content, accordant appearance for adaptable and PC, it is a accomplished best for the designers.
POPO Homes – Real Estate HTML Template will advice you to actualize your own activity with listings of the website, abstracts of the property, sales and added advice as is vital. Rent affairs and assorted added schemes are provided in the template.
Are you a realtor planning to appear up with your able website online? Our template is professionally fabricated and will action you a readymade framework bare for a accepted real estate website – which you can calmly adapt according to your able abstracts and pictures.
Key Features
- Easy To Customize
- Modern Design
- Documentation Include
- Bootstrap 3 Framework
- Google Maps
- Unique and Creative Design
- Full Screen Header
- Responsive HTML Template
- Portfolio Pages Included
- Based on 1170px grid
- Font Awesome Icons
- Google Fonts
- 25 HTML Files
- Mail Chimp Integration
- Clean Code and Clean Design
- 05 Different Home Versions
- Free Icon Fonts
- Working Acquaintance Form
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Free Icon Fonts
Source & Credits
Thanks for anniversary of these humans that fabricated our template attending amazing with their aces Images, Icons, Fonts, Js, Css and Videos.
HTML / CSS: Twitter BootstrapImages: Shutter Stockpixabay.compexels.combehance.netflickr.comIcons: Icons fabricated by Freepik from www.flaticon.com is accountant by CC BY 3.0FontawesomeJS: jQueryGoogle Map Swiper jQuery Easing Magnific PopupEasy Pie ChartMapItCoverflowSmooth Scroll Ajax Mail Chimp jquery.counterupFonts: Google FontsFont Aawesome
Note: Any media – Images, icons or logos acclimated in previews are not included in this account and you charge to acquaintance authors to get permission in case you wish to use them in your bartering or non-commercial projects. Read advice book for added abstracts afterwards you acquirement the template.